Oxford Dictionary recently released news about its “word of the year” for the year 2015, and the most surprising thing is – it is not a word in normal terms. To put it simply, it is an emoji which is gaining immense popularity nowadays in the social media circle –the “FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY” emoji.
In a news blogpost, Oxford commented that choosing this emoji as the word of the year was an extremely difficult task, as they had to judge other contenders from other various English oriented segments as well, but in the end, the emoji was given this prestigious award as it provides a clear reflection of mood, ethos and preoccupations among people living in 2015.
Choosing a tech word as the word of the year and adding it to the dictionary is not a new thing, as it has been done before Oxford as well. A year ago, several commonly used social media words were added to the latest edition of the Merriam-Webster dictionary. In a press release, the dictionary authority commented that adding these new social media words only shows how technology and social networking has affected the lives of human beings, and also highlight the importance of online connectivity and networking in everyday life.

Let us check out some of the technology oriented words that found their way into the Merriam-Webster dictionary last year. Read on to find out more.
- Redditor– A user registered on Reddit
- YouTuber – A user who shares, uploads and is present in videos on the video sharing site known as YouTube.
- Selfie – A photograph clicked either by the front camera of a smartphone or the webcam of a laptop. It is an image of oneself taking by that same person only.
- Crowdfunding – The art of collecting finances and funds online from a huge crowd on online forums or communities for the purpose of setting up a start up, a blog, or simply for socially beneficial services.
- Tweep – A user registered on Twitter who receives and sends tweets.
- Unfriend – The process of removing someone from a certain friend list on any of the many social media portals.
- Hashtag – A phrase or word which follows the “#” symbol which is used to categorize or classify the phrase or word.

Now let us look at 5 words we would really love to see in any of these two dictionaries. Read on to find out more.
Since the addition of the FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY emoji to the prestigious Oxford Dictionary, we have come to know that social media plays a vital role and holds an important place in our lives and also the way we speak. So now let us look at some other words, mainly 4 other words we would like to be added in any of the dictionaries. Note that some of these might not be actual words, but they hold immense importance in today’s modern vocabulary. The 4 words are as follows:
- Groupfie – Clicking selfie with a group
- Bae – It means before anyone else; it is a synonym to boyfriend or girlfriend
- Whatsapp – Sending a message via the Smartphone messaging app “Whatsapp” in a single chat window or a group
- Imba – Most popular word used mainly in online games. It means ‘imbalanced’. This word is used to describe that the game is too good to make it an unfair game.
- Heart eye emoji – A face where the eyes are replaced by hearts; mainly used as a popular expression of love nowadays.
Guys, glad to see the growth of social media and its impact in the society. ‘Emoji’ has really become very famous to get recognition as the “word of the year 2015“.
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