
Net Neutrality: A Remarkable Event in the History of Democracy

What Is Net Neutrality?

Net neutrality is the briefer term for ‘internet neutrality’ and ‘network neutrality’. The very term ‘net neutrality’ was actually coined by a professor of Media Law in Columbia University Mr. Tim Wu in the year 2003. He named it as an extended term for the age old concept of an ordinary carrier.It is the proposition according to which all the service providers of the internet and also the government would be treating all data available on the internet liberally and equally. There will not remain any discrimination in accessing and charging the users for the internet. No differential events will be there for different contents, platforms, kinds of associated equipment, users, sites and also modes of communication. In short, internet equality is the fundamental idea attached to this very event. As per this law all internet traffics must be conferred equally.

Detailed Definition of Network Neutrality

One of the easiest ways of explaining internet neutrality is as a network providing public information will turn into the most effective one when all of its platforms, contents and sites are served equally. While designing the networks, the providers must keep this in mind. A detailed definition of the service and technical net neutrality actually suggests that it takes place in adherence to the whole paradigm which operates the services related to its contents. The services are offered at such a layer that it is affected or even influenced by no other data except the one interpreted at that certain layer. The whole technical process happens according to the protocol specifications assigned for that particular layer.Without this particular law, your internet service provider (ISP) is absolutely capable of obstructing you from visiting the contents and websites as per your own wish.

Preservation of User Right

Net neutrality is basically the guiding principle of the internet safeguarding the users’ right for free online communication. It is synonymous to open the internet preserving our internet surfing rights. This specific law not only enables but also protects free speeches of the users on the internet. It actually means that each of the internet service providers mustoffer us open networks and stay away from blocking or discriminating us against any contents or applications which float over the networks. To clarify in simple words, just as our phone network provider should not indulge itself into deciding who we can call or text or what message should be conveyed over the phone, our ISP should also not bother about the contents that we post or view online. Our online rights are well protected under this law and due to its existence ISPs are unable to divide the internet into slow and fast lanes. Without this, ISPs could easily charge extra expenses to the users for accessing the contents served by the firms capable of affording to pay a lot more for preferential treatments. In that case, everybody else would experience slower tier of services while accessing contents online.

Major Importance of Internet Neutrality

The internet has widened up the possibilities in such an incredible amount which we could hardly think of even decades ago. Such large developments and innovations could not be possible by the human beings without the free access to the internet. The neutrality that the internet is based on providing an equal scope of growth for an entrepreneur firm just as much as an eminent, world class brand enjoys. A teenage student’s blog should never be unfairly declined or slowed down to give way to advertisers pouring huge amount of money. Had the neutrality of the internet not been protected, our liberty and innovative ideas would surely undergo drastic downfalls.

Internet neutrality is extremely vital for any startups, small business foundations and entrepreneurs relying on the free access to the internet to create market and business base, launch and advertise latest products and to provide services to consumers. Showcasing their goods, their applications and basic uses small business companies often tend to take help from the feature of easy yet free access of the internet. Hence, we truly require the open internet for fostering innovations, competitions, and business growths.

Companies should be absolutely unable to interfere in the existing open marketplace. ISPs are actually the guards of the internet, and without the law of network neutrality, ISPs would definitely seize all possible opportunities of the smaller firms to gain profits from that.

What Took Place with the Idea of Open Internet?

As per the order of the FCC, it was largely intended that all the internet service providers were obstructed from either blocking or intruding with the internet traffics on the web. The whole open internet order was basically constructed for ensuring the fact that the internet still remained an effective level playing domain for all people from different parts of the world. In the month of May in the year of 2014, the FCC Chairman Mr. Tom Wheeler exculpated a major plan which would have granted firms like Comcast, AT&T, and the eminent Verizon to be partial online and develop pay-to-play quick lanes. Millions of people raised their voice and spoke out fighting back. The huge political, as well as public outcry, must be thanked for this. Tom Wheeler drew back his actual proposal and on the 4th day of February 2015, he declared that he would be creatingnew internet neutrality lawsserving all the internet users the most powerful protections possible. Then the FCC also approved his proposal on 26thFebruary in the current year of 2015. This is truly an incredibletriumph for the activists who had constantly been fighting for more than a decade to safeguard the open internet.

At last, there emerged the idea of reclassification which would be providing the best and most useful means to give protection to the open internet.The existence of ‘common carrier’ was justified and recurred again in serving free information to all the internet users across the globe. Without the survival of network neutrality, people would face much inconvenience in gaining free knowledge through the internet.

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