Have you accidentally deleted a file and are now regretting it, because you were supposed to keep that particular file? Have you made alterations to a file and have saved it when you actually never had any such intentions? Then your days of being worried about all this are long behind you, as now there are unique ways, tools and software that can help you to recover altered or deleted or trashed files if such a thing happens.
Recovering files with the help of backup tools
If, after you have trashed a certain file, you realize that you may need that very file in the near future, you can quite easily recover the file if your “Trash” folder still has the file. You just need to open the Trash folder and drag that particular file out of the folder. But if you have cleared out the Trash on your system, and are in the habit of using a software known as Time Machine for the purpose of making backups regularly, you need to go the Finder, then open the Time Machine software, make use of the arrows given at the bottom right corner of the interface to restore a certain system default, when the lost file existed on your system.

Knowing about the Mac Trash Bin
Trash, which is also called “Recycle Bin” or “Trash Bin”, is a feature on Mac OS used for the purpose of storing temporarily all the files that a user deletes. Hence, the main function of the Trash folder is to allow the user to restore a file that has been accidentally deleted, or empty the trash folder to clear some space on your hard drive. In a normal scenario, the Trash Bin is the ultimate tool to protect your system from accidental deletion of important files. Until and unless you have not emptied your Trash Bin, or have not used any tool for regular automatic backup, you always have the opportunity to restore a deleted file.
Third party programs for data recovery
You can find a variety of software and tools, which can prove to be very useful when it comes to recovering any and every trashed file. The top two tools to be used are “Disk Drill” from “Clever Files” and “Data Rescue” from ProSoft. Both these programs allow a user to scan the entire hard drive, or any particular directory, to locate the trashed file. If the file cannot be found by either of the two, then it is high time that you take your Mac PC to an expert who deals with data recovery almost on a daily basis. But the entire process can prove to be quite expensive.
If, by any chance, the file is still on your system, but has been altered in some way, and you require the original format, there is a feature on the Mac OS X, known Versions, that may lend a helping hand in this. You just need to select a few menu options like “REVERT TO”, and “BROWSE ALL VERSIONS”, followed by “RESTORE A COPY”, to get the original format of a file.
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