
Smartphones to detect and diagnose cancer in an easy and cost effective way

With the advent of technology, smartphones can now help in effectively diagnosing the symptoms of cancer in a cost effective way. This new technology, commonly known as the D3 (Digital Diffraction Diagnosis) system, comes with a LED that is battery powered. It gives a normal smartphone the ability to record imaging data of a high-resolution variety with the camera on board. This D3 system, which is an acronym for digital diffraction diagnosis, can record imaging data of almost 100000+ cells from a tissue or blood sample, all at a single go.

The data, which is recorded by this device powered by a smartphone, can be sent for proper processing via an encrypted and secure cloud hosting service. In a particular pilot scheme for this wonderful new system of diagnostics, a correct and most reliable diagnosis was sent back by the cloud servers in about 45 minutes. The expert researchers who came up with this excellent diagnostics system suggest that the per sample cost of this form of cancer diagnosis is approximately £1.25, which will soon come down even more as time passes by.

Image Credit - www.dailymail.co.uk
Image Credit – www.dailymail.co.uk

The co-leader of the study conducted regarding this system, Dr. Castro from MGH Cancer Center of the United States of America, commented that the ever increasing number of patients suffering from cancer, low availability of quick pathological services and launch of advanced cell profiling strategies have given a rise to the demand for low cost, quick and portable means of diagnostics that can be helpful in times of urgency.

The discovery of new biological and genomic data related to a variety of cancers, which proves to be extremely vital in case of choosing the best possible treatment process, helps in proper development of strategies for molecular profiling. These are much readily available to diagnostic service providers, patients and clinical investigators. Dr. Castro also suggested that this magnificent new diagnostic platform can provide excellent service at exceptionally low costs.

According to expert researchers, the D3 cancer diagnostic system makes use of the same technological advancements that are utilized in the making of holograms, for the purpose of collecting detailed and vivid microscopic images. This analyse the digital manner of the molecular composition of various tissues and cells. Pathologic experts examined as many as 25 biopsy samples from 25 different women with unnatural PAP smear results. This wonderful D3 system categorised these samples based on their risk percentage in a correct and efficient manner. These findings were matched with results from other conventional diagnostic labs and were found to be accurate.

Researchers believe that more research and studies are required to explain the effectiveness and clarity of the test results supplied by the D3 system correctly. These tests and tests results will be prone to more and more effectiveness once more research time is spent on the system, and the highest level of perfection is achieved. Hence, patients have to hold their breath to ensure that they get the most efficient method to detect cancer and get them the treatment they genuinely require.

So. I think it is really a revolutionary move in today’s world and it will really give benefits to the common people.

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